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In an effort to determine student impacts and needs resulting from the Camp Fire, Butte College developed and sent a survey to our students. The results of the survey are being used to inform the college’s outreach and support efforts.

Camp Fire Student Survey Responses

Periodically, the District conducts surveys to determine student, faculty and staff satisfaction with services and processes. These include the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and the Completers and Leavers Survey.

Employee Campus Climate Survey

During May 2020, Butte College conducted a survey to gather a wide variety of data related to institutional climate, inclusion, and work-life issues so that the college is better informed about the living and working environments for faculty, staff, and management. The college used an outside vendor to distribute a proprietary survey instrument called the Viewfinder Campus Climate Survey which is designed to help colleges and universities measure and assess both their strengths and weaknesses around diversity and inclusion efforts.

Survey results provide insight into the factors that shape the experiences and perceptions of diverse individuals on campus. Doing so helps institutions be aware of the environment and whether or not everyone feels safe, welcome, valued and respected.  A primary goal is to raise awareness that forms the basis of informed decision making as Butte College strives to implement positive change.

The Survey Synopsis provides an overview of the results from the employee campus climate survey conducted in May 2020. Full results of the survey are available in the Employee Benchmark Report. President Samia Yaqub, PhD. also provided a letter to the campus highlighting the importance of the survey and plans for the college to use the information.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE).
In 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017 the college administered the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). This nationally normed student survey enables the college to compare itself to other large community colleges across the nation in the areas most likely to lead to student success. Butte College CCSSE results include:

Executive Summary. This shows our overall performance with the five benchmarks as well as our five highest and five lowest aspects of student engagement. The Executive Summary also includes a summary of the results of the Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE). We did not take this survey but the overall results for those colleges that did is included.

Benchmarks by Enrollment Status. This section shows the results of the survey by benchmark and compared to our large college comparison group and the overall CCSSE cohort. This information is broken out by enrollment status – full-time and part-time. 

Results and Comparison Analysis. This shows the results by question and compares these with questions asked in previous surveys.  You’ll notice that, while many of the questions on the survey have changed, the results tend to be consistent.


Completers and Leavers Survey. This survey provides feedback to the college from program completers and leavers as well as salary information from students transitioning into the workforce.


Survey of Entering Student Engagement.
During the fall of 2018, Butte College administered the Survey of Entering Student Engagement as part of its Guided Pathways implementation. This nationally normed student survey enables the college to compare itself to other large community colleges across the nation in six key areas that have been shown to be important to entering students’ college experiences and educational outcomes. Butte College SENSE results include:

Executive Summary. This report shows Butte College’s overall performance within the six key areas as well as our five highest and five lowest aspects of student engagement.

Benchmarks by Enrollment Status. This section shows the results of the survey by benchmark and compared to the large college comparison group and the overall SENSE cohort. This information is broken out by enrollment status: full-time and part-time. 

Guided Pathways. This section shows the results to questions that were designed to be used by colleges focusing on guided pathways.  Some institutions which participated in the module have a longer history of guided pathways implementation than Butte College.

Custom Special Focus Module. This section shows the results to questions that were designed by Butte College.  These questions generally focus on how students view our scheduling practices.  We also seek information on students’ future academic plans. 

Student AI Survey, Spring 2024

In the spring of 2024, the Associated Students and Institutional Research partnered in developing a survey exploring student perceptions and engagement with AI in and around their academic life. The survey was estimated to take 10 mins and spanned 48 questions across several AI related themes. Nearly 1000 students participated in the survey. An Executive Summary and full report of findings are available.

Completers and Leavers 2023

In the Fall of 2023, Butte College Institutional Research revisited its periodic survey of students who had recently attended Butte College but were no longer active on campus. These students were identified as “Completers” if they had received a degree or certificate, while "Leavers" were those who left campus without. The survey asked students about their educational goals and outcomes; their perceptions of campus, it’s instructors and support programs; and made efforts to determine factors that supported or hindered their educational journey.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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